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Price List

Available Now


Option 1- Lowest Cost

This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.


Option 2- Middle Cost

This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.


Option 3- Highest Cost

This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.

Plans & Pricing: Price List

Select your price point

  • Option 1

    Lowest Cost
    Valid for 3 months
    • 8 weekly virtual group connection circles
    • 2 monthly one on one virtual calls with group facilitators
    • Weekly email with tools for regulation
  • Option 2

    Middle Cost
    Valid for 3 months
    • 8 weekly virtual group connection circles
    • 2 monthly one on one virtual calls with group facilitators
    • Weekly email with tools for regulation
  • Option 3

    Highest Cost
    Valid for 3 months
    • 8 weekly virtual group connection circles
    • 2 monthly one on one virtual calls with group facilitators
    • Weekly email with tools for regulation
Plans & Pricing: PaidPlans
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