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Anchoring in the unknown

I've felt the landscape of all that I do not know unfold more and more the further I progress in Vancouver Island University's...

Stepping into the light

It starts from within. A stirring energy that calls you forth from the dark, inciting your growth so you may breakthrough barriers,...

Healing words through a healing woman

Quoted poem "You are the Medicine" spoken by Maria Sabina a Mazetec healing woman with links to more information.

Two steps forward, One step back

As the days get longer, the energy of anticipation for growth stirs within the Earth much like it stirs within us when we are...

By donation?

In a world where prices are attached to almost all our interactions, I knew I wanted to do something differently.

Step one... Yoga in the Yurt!

A few weeks ago, I felt the grounded sensation of "staying put" shift in me when I began having conversations with Apryl and Munro about...

One step at a time

Welcome to the unfolding... After many years of learning from amazing teachers, mentors, and leaders, and getting to know myself as I...

Blog: Blog2
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