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These are my upcoming workshops where we can gather and I will share some of my favourite topics.

Looking for something that isn't listed?  Get in touch and we will work toward creating an event suitable for you.

Popular workshops include:

  • Cultivating Connections: Mindfulness in the Early Years

  • Mothers' Mental Health Toolkit Training

  • Full Moon circle

  • New Moon circle

  • Getting playful: Finding joy through play as an adult

  • Essential Oils 101

Workshops: Services

What’s Available


2023 workshop dates coming soon

Workshops: Services

Past Events

Workshops: Services

Mothers' Mental Health Toolkit Training

Enhance your maternal mental health literacy at this online event

Often you are the first point of contact for a mother struggling with their mental health.  This workshop will enhance your mental health literacy, provide a guide for the promotion of mental wellness for mothers, and promote practices that build resiliency and a strong network of community supports.

The valuable toolkit is a workbook-style resource that will increase maternal mental health knowledge, skills, and confidence among those working with mothers and families.

This toolkit and workshop will:

  • enhance your mental health literacy,

  • provide you with a guide for promoting mental wellness for mothers,

  • teach tools and techniques to help you prevent mental health issues,

  • help you recognize the risks and signs of possible mental illness,

  • help you guide women and their families—and other people supporting them—to understand and access assessment and treatment services, and

  • enhance your knowledge of community responses and support that encourage recovery and decrease stigma.

This toolkit will equip front-line community support workers with tools specific to supporting parenting at the neighbourhood level. It is not comprehensive mental health education or a treatment manual and is not intended as a replacement for mental health assessment or services.

Past dates:

October 4-5, 2022 9:30- 1 pm

November 29-30, 2022 9:30- 1 pm

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