Welcome to the unfolding...
After many years of learning from amazing teachers, mentors, and leaders, and getting to know myself as I faced tests of spirit, my heart called me to a new path. Or perhaps it was a calling back, to a path I had travelled before, a path home to myself.
It has been the least linear path one could envision... I went to school, I left school, I went to school again, I started a career in nursing, I fell in love (thanks for making such a good choice nervous system), I had babies, I facilitated parenting groups, I became a yoga teacher, I worked in non-profits, I had a government job for a while, I facilitated yoga and mindfulness for families, I facilitated groups of service providers and professionals, I worked on a Psychedelic Assisted Therapy research project and start-up, I went back to school... which leads to me here, to the unfolding of a new path.
As it is most congruent for me, I am feeling my way through this unfolding, moving at the speed of trust as I build relationships and follow my intuition. At times, I have felt energy in my arms and legs pulling toward opportunities as they present themselves but, when I listen deeply, my heart is holding firm in it's grounded place assuring me the next right step is still on it's way. This blog feels right, a place to share what I am working on, what's inspiring me, and what I have to offer the world, so I'll start here.
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